Kevin Funk: Software Engineer
About me
Hi, my name is Kevin Funk and I'm a Software & Sales Engineer working for KDAB (the Software Experts in Qt, C++ and 3D / OpenGL).
I started hacking on computer programs in the early 2000s (first project was a comprehensive mIRC bot!) and then evolved to an avid C++ developer, mainly working with the lovely Qt framework. I'm part of the KDE community community, a collective of individuals dedicated to creating an open and user-friendly computing experience. These days I regularly contribute to open-source projects such as the Qt framework, KDE Frameworks, KDevelop, GammaRay and a couple of others.
On this page I'm mainly blogging about software development around Qt/KDE or C++ related topics.
ID | 0x13CACE5D |
Fingerprint | 364E FA5F 6395 7290 7D39 2999 C64C F56B 13CA CE5D |
- Webinar: Using Modern CMake with Qt @ Qt Virtual Tech
Con 2020 (with about 200+ live viewers) -- Link to event - Talk: Git and Gerrit essentials for Qt based work @ Qt World Summit 2019, Berlin, DE -- Youtube video
- Talk: Improving Your Code Using Clang Tooling @ World Summit 2019, Berlin, DE -- Youtube video
- Webinar: Porting applications to Qt @ KDAB Webinar 2017 -- Youtube video
- Introduction to QML, KDAB Training day @ QtCon 2016, Berlin, Germany. -- Information
- Libclang Integration in the KDevelop IDE - LLVM @ EuroLLVM 2015, London, UK. -- Slides
- GSoC Report: Clang Integration in KDevelop @ Akademy 2014, Brno, CZ -- Slides
- Introduction to Declarative State Machine @ Qt Developer Days 2014, Berlin, Germany. -- Talk
- Threads and Shared Variables in the C++11 Memory Model @ SemProg 2012, FU Berlin, Berlin, Germany. -- Slides
(and more...)