Projects & Talks
I'm spending a fair amount of time contributing to open source projects. Mainly around the area of Qt/KDE and C++ but not limited to them.
My Talks
- Webinar: Using Modern CMake with Qt @ Qt Virtual Tech
Con 2020 (with about 200+ live viewers) – Link to event - Talk: Git and Gerrit essentials for Qt based work @ Qt World Summit 2019, Berlin, DE -- Youtube video
- Talk: Improving Your Code Using Clang Tooling @ World Summit 2019, Berlin, DE -- Youtube video
- Webinar: Porting applications to Qt @ KDAB Webinar 2017 -- Youtube video
- Introduction to QML, KDAB Training day @ QtCon 2016, Berlin, Germany. -- Information
- Libclang Integration in the KDevelop IDE - LLVM @ EuroLLVM 2015, London, UK. -- Slides
- GSoC Report: Clang Integration in KDevelop @ Akademy 2014, Brno, CZ -- Slides
- Introduction to Declarative State Machine @ Qt Developer Days 2014, Berlin, Germany. -- Talk
- Threads and Shared Variables in the C++11 Memory Model @ SemProg 2012, FU Berlin, Berlin, Germany. -- Slides
(and more...)
My Projects
2012 - now | Contributing to the open source IDE KDevelop, focussing on the Clang integration, cross-platform support and general QA (
2006 - now | Supporting member of the KDE community (, helping out in various areas of the project, not just limited to contributing code.
2017 | Google Summer of Code (GSoC) as mentor. Contributing to the OpenSource IDE KDevelop, focussing on the Clang integration, cross-platform support and general QA
2015-2017 | Via KDAB: New IPC module framework QtRemoteObjects for the automotive sector. Worked on the module en bloc. Helped upstreaming it to Qt proper.
2015-2016 | Via KDAB: Extra views written in Qt/QML for self-service terminals. Worked on server backend written in Qt processing XML data from external service and GUI bits.
2015-2016 | Preparing an initial version of KDevelop to other platforms such as OS X and Windows. KDevelop was a purely Linux-centric IDE before.
2015 | Released KDStateMachineEditor, a framework for creating & viewing state charts. Used inside KDAB's GammaRay (a introspection tool for Qt applications) for real-time tracking of state machines embedded in Qt applications.
2014 | Participated in GSoC 2014 ( for streamlining the C/C++ support in KDevelop by integrating libclang (from LLVM) as parser backend. See blog series.
2014 | Implemented a full CBOR (RFC 7049 Concise Binary Object Representation) encoder/decoder in C as part of the RIOT operating system for heavily constrained nodes as part of a university research project. Implementation is covered by extensive unit tests. Also listed on the spec page:
2013 | Joined the KDE eV. (
2010 | Via KDAB: Participated in the Valgrind plugin development for Qt Creator driven by KDAB. Main focus: Callgrind visualization:
2006 - 2009 | Amarok ( bug triaging and minor feature development (KNotification backend)